Inter Alia
Full Page: 7.25″w x 9.5″h | $150 members/$175 non members |
Half Page: 7.25″w x 4.5″h | $90 members/$100 non members |
Qtr Page: 3.5 w x 4.5″h | $60 members/$70 non members |
Bus. Card: 3.5 w x 2″h | $40 members/$45 non members |
E Blast
Will Search | $30 members/$40 non members |
Job Posting* | $30 members/$40 non members |
*Job posting includes listing on
Inter Alia, the newsletter of the Manatee County Bar Association, is published 8 months annually and is circulated electronically to local attorneys, judges and law office staff. Issues are later posted to the association website:
Rates shown are for one issue. Discounts apply to multiple issues on a prepaid basis. Ads should be submitted as high resolution .pdf files. Deadline for submission: First of the month.
For information please call:
Graceann Frederico, Executive Director
(941) 741-4091
For ad specifics or variations contact:
Valerie at OnTrac