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The Young Lawyers Division (YLD) is comprised of attorneys practicing in a variety of areas of law throughout Manatee County. All members of the MCBA in good standing who are either (a) under the age of 40, or (b) within their first 5 years of practicing law, are automatically members of the Division for that fiscal year. No additional registration or payment of dues shall be required for such membership in the Division to be effective. As a new lawyer, the YLD is a valuable resource because it offers an opportunity for building relationships, Pro Bono service, and professional growth. Whether you choose to attend a luncheon, volunteer for a charitable project, or join the Board of Directors, the YLD is the gateway to enhance your career. We look forward to meeting you at the next event!
Purpose The purposes of the Division are:
- To orient young and recently admitted lawyers to their responsibilities as members of the Manatee County Bar Association, Inc.
- To promote professionalism, cooperation and understanding amongst young and recently admitted members of the MCBA;
- To promote interest and participation in the MCBA;
- To promote continuing legal education and professional development;
- To provide opportunities for social activities, pro bono activities, and participation in projects for the betterment of the MCBA, the Bench, the legal community, or the community in general.
Meeting Time and Location The YLD Board typically meets for lunch the second Wednesday of the month from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Manatee County Courthouse. Please RSVP (luncheons only) to Graceann Frederico, Executive Director. The YLD offers several events a year for young lawyers. Past events include Java with the Judges which provided an opportunity for young lawyers to enjoy breakfast with the Judges in an informal setting, baseball outings, and beach parties. Pro Bono Projects such as Wills for Heroes where young lawyers partnered with Estate and Probate attorneys to draft wills for our Veterans, Police, Officers and first responders.